"Fuck Garrison Keillor
Posted by DAN SAVAGE on March 14 at 10:02 AM"
Posted by DAN SAVAGE on March 14 at 10:02 AM"
For those of you who those that little Garrison Keillor was about as nonthreatening as Barney Fife without the bullet in the shirt pocket, check out the article. I always thought Keillor was the most unfunny man in America and possibly the world. The man couldn't get a laugh out of a NO addict. Which brings me to...
Top 5 things I'd rather do than watch anything written, starring, or produced by Garrison Keillor:
5) Prayer session with Ted Haggard.
4) Have anything described by Method Man in the intro to his solo album.
3) Watch a full season of Thirtysomething.
2) Visit my (soon-to-be) father-in-law.
and the number one thing I'd rather do than watch anything written, starring, or produced by Garrison Keillor...
1) Wait in the emergency room of Walter Reed with a gunshot wound to the gut while Stevie Wonder gives me a root canal.
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