As many of you might have heard, yesterday the House passed H.R. 1591 which is popularly known for calling for a deadline of Aug 2008 for pulling troops out of Iraq along with a bucket load of pork. I noticed that Presidential candidate, and Word of the People favorite Dennis Kuchinich voted against the measure. After doing a triple take I decided to take a look as to his reasons why. Here' s what he wrote on his website:
"Congress has just voted to give President Bush the money he needs to keep the war going through the end of his term.
So where do we go from here? Well, this is the moment that all of us must come together, in communities across the United States, to insist that our nation take a new direction -- now -- in Iraq.
We must go into the town squares. We must meet in libraries, and on university campuses across the country, to cause the policies of the United States to merge from right from the grassroots, and be heard in Washington.
Unfortunately Washington has not listened. Washington has said More War.
You're the ones who must stand for peace. And join with me in this effort to just Change America.
It's not satisfactory that Congress has voted to keep the war going.
Congress had the power to end this war.
And you and I know that.
And now we have to forge a whole new relationship with the American people leading the way, not waiting for Congress to act.
We must act. And we must act from our streets, we must act from our neighborhoods, we must act from our town halls. And it's the power of the people now that's going to have to transform the American government.
It's a sad day when Washington, having recognized that we're standing on a mountain of lies, and proceeding to prosecute a war against a people that did not attack us.
It's a sad day when America will know that there will be more troop casualties and more civilian casualties, and a greater drain on our resources, when we need money for education, health care, and so many other things in this country.
Where do we go from here? We go to where America has always gone, and that is the strength of a powerful civic response. And you must be part of that.
I join with you, as I have never wavered in my efforts for peace, in my determination to point out that war is not the way, in my insistence that this is the time that we have to take a new direction.
Just know that there are those of us who continue to take that stand in Washington.
But now you need to take a stand.
So please, join, together, all over the country.
And I'll be there with you.
Thank you very much."
So he voted on his principled stand against the war, and a demand for immediate removal of the troops. Principals huh? He will so never win Presidency, but, most likely, we'll be the biggest losers.
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