...but it shouldn't be for expressing his opinion:
"WASHINGTON - Senior aides to the chairman of the military Joint Chiefs of Staff said Tuesday that Marine Gen. Peter Pace won’t apologize for calling homosexuality immoral — an opinion that gay advocacy groups deplored.
In a newspaper interview Monday, Pace had likened homosexual acts to adultery and said the military should not condone it by allowing gays to serve openly in the armed forces."
Personally, I see nothing wrong with homosexuality. I said it before and I'll say it again, what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own room is their business, and while I might think its sorta gross, there's plenty of heterosexual sex I also think is pretty gross. Take anything by this dude for example. Fact is, while I hold many opinions about many things I don't feel it's my place to pass judgement on someone else's sexual lifestyle, and further more, as a believer in the freedom of speech, I respect the right for someone to express their point of view even when it differs from mine. Gen Pace expressed his, and he shouldn't need to apologize for exercising his rights as an American citizen. If gays have a problem with anything it should be the policy of the United States armed forces that bans open homosexuals from serving their country. This bluntly discriminatory policy is what needs to be challenged and not one man's opinion. If anything this should only be a footnote to gay advocates' issues, something to be highlighted as yet another callous yet human trait.
Note: Yes, Pace's opinion was disrespectful to the homosexuals who choose to stay in the closet so they can serve their country with honor. But they're disrespected alot more by the policy that forces them in that closet.
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