Excellent movie, with fantastic visuals and heart stopping action sequences. Frank Miller took some huge liberties in developing the plot--including an entire side story following King Leonidas' wife to fill the extra time but for the most part it worked and managed to hit some interesting feminist's points (when was the last time you saw a woman stab some dude to death and the audience cheered?)
Note to liberals: Check your politics at the door. My right-wing friend at the end of the movie said, "hey, how did you like your first pro-Bush movie?" And he was right since the language used by the Spartans so closely parallels the Right when they describe the war on terrorism and the Iraq conflict, though I can't be sure whether or not that was Miller's intention. Regardless of that rhetoric this movie will have you on the edge of your seat ready to throw down with your Spartan brothers. Warning: Watching this and Braveheart back-to-back could lead you to start a revolution against your local tyrant.
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