Take a close look at it--especially the front page. What do you see? If you said 'nothing' you're pretty much right. Page 1 features the stunning revolution that, if president, Rudy Giuliani would, SHOCK!, invite his wife to cabinet meetings. Well golly gee, that...what? What the hell would that mean? Hil supposedly never sat in, but again--so what? Hell invite Chris Rock for all I care, maybe we'd get something done. This is front page news?
Now let's look at the front page of the NYTimes...oh here's an interesting Giuliani story--"Testimony by Giuliani Indicates He was Briefed on Kerik in '00" Here's what they say:
"Rudolph W. Giuliani told a grand jury that his former chief investigator remembered having briefed him on some aspects of Bernard B. Kerik’s relationship with a company suspected of ties to organized crime before Mr. Kerik’s appointment as New York City police commissioner, according to court records.
Mr. Giuliani, testifying last year under oath before a Bronx grand jury investigating Mr. Kerik, said he had no memory of the briefing, but he did not dispute that it had taken place, according to a transcript of his testimony."
Mr. Giuliani, testifying last year under oath before a Bronx grand jury investigating Mr. Kerik, said he had no memory of the briefing, but he did not dispute that it had taken place, according to a transcript of his testimony."
Hummm, this seems interesting, and definitely more important to his candidacy than the news that his wife would sit in on Cabinet meetings. But why would the News choose not to place this story on their front page? Oh questions, questions!
Then again we might find the answer below that story under the big 'SICKENING!' With a title like that could they be talking about deaths in Iraq? The Gonzalez scandal? Veterans' care? Why no, they're talking about some artist that made a chocolate Jesus:
"A controversial artist outraged city Catholics yesterday with plans to display a nude 6-foot chocolate Jesus during Holy Week.
"Cosimo Cavallaro's anatomically-correct candy Christ, titled "My Sweet Lord," was made from almost 200 pounds of dark chocolate. The sculpture is to be displayed in a street-level window at the Roger Smith Hotel's Lab Gallery on E. 47th St. starting Monday.
""It's an all-out war on Christianity," fumed Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. "They wouldn't show a depiction of Martin Luther King Jr. with genitals exposed on Martin Luther King Day, and they wouldn't show Muhammed depicted this way during Ramadan. It's always Christians, and the timing is deliberate.""
Oh my God! He's nude, anatomically correct and tasty! HOLY CAVITIES BATMAN! And yet we just can't understand when Muslims get upset when the West depicts Mohammad wearing a bomb turban? And yes I'm not saying that they're right for killing over it, they aren't; but, what are we saying when this trivial matter makes front page headlines when there are much graver matters on the horizon? The answer: The MSM isn't worth the paper its written on. What was supposed to be an honorable institution that watches the watchmen, and investigates dangers to the public welfare is now a political tool that at best is only interested in tabloid sensationalist news, and at worse is a propaganda tool for the most right-wing Republican issues. Either way The Daily News is what's really sickening.
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