Yeah I know, big surprise. It's the world's largest tennis game except with every volley people die. Now the ball is back in Congress, and without the 2/3rds needed to override the Dems have to decide how far they want to push the issue. Regardless of Pelosi and Reid's strong stance there's going to have to be a compromise since Bush won't accept a time table, and only radical Dems are willing to completely defund the war. My take? In the end the Dems will give Bush what he wants, in terms of the war, and whatever bill he signs will still be loaded with pork. Politically, the Dems will be like Pontius Pilate washing their hands of the mess and leaving it for Bush's legacy, but pragmatically we're going to end up with more deaths, both US and Iraqi, without any real hope for a turnaround since US's tactics are hopelessly stalled.
By the way, do you think Bush vetoed the bill before or after he went on American Idol? Just wondering.
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