How cliche. How Clintonesque.
A woman took him down.
Yesterday, after working out a plum deal with the World Bank, Wolfowitz stepped down as its president due to a scandal where he gave a promotion and raise to his girlfriend who was also a WB employee.
In the long run? It doesn't matter, both the crime and the punishment. If cronyism was a crime Bush would have been executed a LONG time ago. Cronyism is the way of the world. As Chris Rock would say, "Every last one of you out there probably has their job because of a friend, or family member." In business they call it networking, and they have seminars on how to do it better. And the punishment? He's resigning, probably easing down that road to another CEO/ US Government job. Where his good ole boy web of friends will sit around an oak table sip Johnnie Walker Blue and smoke Cohibas while telling him what a raw deal he got; and personally, if this was the worse thing Wolfowitz did I'd probably do the same thing, especially if I got a glass of Johnnie Walker Blue.
But this wasn't the worse thing that Paul Wolfowitz did. Not by a long shot.
From Wikipedia.com:
"On March 27, 2003, Wolfowitz, one of the architects of the Iraq war, told a Congressional panel that oil would pay for Iraq's reconstruction. According to his testimony "The oil revenues of that country could bring between $50 and $100 billion over the course of the next two or three years. Now, there are a lot of claims on that money, but…We are dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction and relatively soon.”[57][58] By March 2005, two years later, oil revenues were not paying for the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq, Wolfowitz's estimation of 50 to 100 billion US dollars had not materialized, and, in light of his miscalculation, detractors criticized his appointment to head of the World Bank."
So wait, he's an architect of one of the biggest missteps in American history, and not only is he not punished for it, but he's rewarded for his incompetence with a cushy job with the World Bank. Life is not fair, because if it was Paul Wolfowitz would be put in stocks in the middle of Times Square and the mothers and fathers of American causalities would get free shots at his head. Then he'd be dropped in the middle of Baghdad. If life was fair Wolfowitz's earnings would get garnished until the day he died to pay for Iraqi reconstruction. If life was fair something would happen to him other than what will happen, which is nothing.
Nothing will happen to Wolfowitz?
I wager he gets a job with one of the contractors that helped plunder Iraq under his watch.
Teeth is a communist
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