And she's got good reasons:
"PR.com: Do you find that the climate of the adult industry changes when there is a Republican administration versus Democratic?
"Jenna Jameson: Absolutely. The Clinton administration was the best years for the adult industry and I wish that Clinton would run again. I would love to have him back in office. I would love to have Al Gore in office. When Republicans are in office, the problem is, a lot of times they try to put their crosshairs on the adult industry, to make a point. It's sad, when there are so many different things that are going on in the world: war, and people are dying of genocide. It's sad that they feel that they have to target the sex industry, and not target the problems with insurance and the homeless and the AIDS epidemic. There are so many things that need to be cleared up before fucking pornography. I look forward to another democrat being in office. It just makes the climate so much better for us, and I know that once all our troops come home, things are going to be better and I think that getting Bush out of office is the most important thing right now.
"PR.com: Who's your favorite democratic front runner for 2008? Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or John Edwards?
"Jenna Jameson: I love Hillary. I think that in some ways she's pretty conservative for a democrat, but I would love to have a woman in office. I think that it would be a step in the right direction for our country, and there would be less focus on war and more focus on bettering society."
For the record, I support a unity ticket of Ron Paul and Jenna Jameson.
Hat Tip: TPM
Teeth endorses the porn industry.
Um. Shouldn't Jenna be concerned that Hillary has been pushing laws to limit/ban the playing of video games by children? I find it hard to believe she can be anti-video games but pro porn. I'd much rather see Obama in there.
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