Empire by Orson Scott Card. I'm not going to give you a plot summary, I think the cover says it all, but it's an easy enthralling read, that is correctly topical.
From the afterward:
"We live in a time when moderates are treated worse than extremists, being punished as if they were more fanatical than the actual fanatics.
"We live in a time when lies are preferred to the truth and truths are called lies, when opponents are assumed to have the worse conceivable motives and treated accordingly, and when we reach immediately for coercion without even bothering to find out what those who disagree with us are actually saying.
"In short, we are creating for ourselves a new dark age-the darkness of binders we voluntarily wear, and which, if we do not take them off and see each other as human beings with legitimate, virtuous concerns, will lead us to tragedies whose cost we will bear for generations."
Obama for president.
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