Thursday, February 15, 2007

The President who cried wolf?

Well duh.

"The specter of the war in Iraq -- a war the Bush administration denied it was planning, supported by evidence that turned out to be false -- looms large over administration policy toward Iran. Skeptical members of Congress have questioned administration charges of Tehran's support for Iraqi insurgents and President Bush's insistence that his plans for dealing with Iran remain purely diplomatic. The administration, conscious of its low credibility, believes it has gone out of its way to convince doubters that Iran is not Iraq all over again.

"No, no, no, no," White House spokesman Tony Snow said Monday in response to questions about whether the administration embellished evidence against Iran in a U.S. military briefing in Baghdad the previous day. "I'm almost ready to hit my head on the microphone.""

That would be completely AWESOME!

Seriously thought, this is so sad. This President really has become the boy who cried wolf, and is at a point where only the AFI would believe CIA intel. Now I not only do believe but have to believe that Iran doesn't have WMDs, because if they did and Bush really is telling the truth then the Middle East is in a sorrier state of affairs then we could have ever guessed.

Note: Actually the Middle East is in a sorrier state of affairs.

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