Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Media shouts out Obama in Clinton moment

So how does this work? Hil gives a speech in the deep south to a majority black audience, but the story isn't about how good her speech was, it's about how blacks can like another candidate besides Obama:

"Sen. Hillary Clinton made her first swing to the South yesterday, drawing an enthusiastic crowd of African-Americans and showing that Sen. Barack Obama doesn't have a lock on the black vote."

Once again the "liberal" press exposes the slip of its white hood. What the hell does one have to do with the other. So blacks can't enjoy--or heaven help--vote for anyone other than the black guy? Can you imagine if the headline was "Obama gives a speech to an enthusiastic crowd of White-Americans showing that the entire field of Democratic candidates doesn't have a lock on the white vote?"

Just sickening. Glad to know what the Daily News thinks about blacks...but wait, I knew that already...

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