Wednesday, March 01, 2006

You know...on third thought maybe Mike Brown wasn't that bad...

Disclaimer: Don't read this post on a full stomach. You may experience projectile vomiting that will shoot you through your roof and into orbit.

Just when you can't think of another reason to hate Bush, here comes another one. A video just came out (click on the link to view) that showed the conversation between Mike Brown, President Bush, DHS Director Michael Chertoff, and other officials a day before Katrina hit. On it Brown and other officials give the President dire warnings regarding the destructiveness of Katrina. President Bush didn't ask one question during the meeting but said that "We are fully prepared."

Bush telling me that "We fully prepared," is like someone at the Pentagon telling me that the Iraqi police force did a "tremendous job" the last week. (See previous post if you can't catch the reference.)

Far from validating anything that the adminstration has stated, the video gives startling insight into the administration's lies, proving that R. Kelly isn't the only one who shouldn't make videos. The Bush team's statement that no one foresaw the levees breaking is disproved, as the National Hurricane Center's Max Mayfield warned, "I a’m sure it will be the top 10 or 15 when all is said and done."

The blame that the Feds put on local administrators was also unfounded. The video showed that everyone around that table knew that Federal assistance was needed and catastrophe would occur without their support.

In fact the only person who comes out a winner in this tape is Mike Brown, who repeatedly urged the President to send aid, warned that this was going to be an epic disaster, and begged the President to bend the rules if he had to:

"Go ahead and do it,"” Brown said. "“I'’ll figure out some way to justify it. ... Just let them yell at me."

Someone should have told Brown that this was a meeting about a hurricane and not Iraq.

He went on to question the safety of the Superdome, which had been selected prior to Katrina as a refuge for the New Orleans population:

"“The Superdome is about 12 feet below sea level.... I don'’t know whether the roof is designed to stand, withstand a Category Five hurricane."”

"Not to be (missing) kind of gross here," Brown interjected, "but I'm concerned” about the medical and mortuary resources, “and their ability to respond to a catastrophe within a catastrophe."

Not to say that I owe Brown a apology--I still think he was out classed and in the wrong place at the wrong time--I do think that on both sides have scapegoated him unfairly. It does seem as if he was one the right side of the fence at this particular junction and his cries went unheeded. Then again, heaven help that the President actually listens to his advisors.

I cannot express my loathing of this President without blowing my brains out with a shotgun. He is dishonest, incompetent, and apathetic to anyone except his immediate intrests. His poll ratings are down to 36% and expect them to drop at least 5 to 10 by tomorrow when this hits. How much longer can we go before there's a mob outside of the White House with pitchforks and torches? One can only wait and see.

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