Friday, February 10, 2006

Brown calls himself a scapegoat...Goats feel insulted...

Poor Michael Brown. I really feel sorry for him. It's like a knot in my stomach that...Oh wait, that was I don't feel sorry at all.

Testifying before a congressional committee regarding Katrina, former director of FEMA Brown claimed that it was FEMA's merging with Homeland Security that led to it's slow response.

"The policies and decisions implemented by the DHS put FEMA on a path to failure..."

Brown also criticized the now popular timeline of the events leading to the flooding of New Orleans, contradicting officials who claimed that the agency had no awareness of the situation till the next day.

The saddest moment came when he was asked if he felt like he's a scapegoat, where Brown sadly commented, "Yes, I certainly feel somewhat abandoned."

Poor baby. You think he knows that the Government's subsidies for Katrina refugees ran out less than a week ago, leaving hundreds of people homeless? Quick fact MB, that's what you call abandoned.

Yet, Michael Brown was a little fish in a big pond when it comes to incompetenceance shown by the administration in handling Katrina, and the shark out there is George W. Bush. He's the guy who put FEMA in with DHS, and put Brown as the director. Michael Brown who had no experience with disaster relief, and who's greatest sin was being pals with an obvious cronyist. Do I pin the blame on Brown? Well I'm certainly not going to give this knucklehead my pity. If someone offered me the job as Sec. of Treasury would I take it and say "Hey cool, look at me!" or am I going to say "you know this might be a bit out of my league." Brown took the first option and now he needs to suffer the consequences. (Yeah, like there's going to be any. Guys like them sadly end up on their feet while the poor in NO end up floating down Main Street for a week, while Congress gets their thumbs out their asses).

But make no bones about it, while Brown deserves shame, Bush is the man who made it happen. He put this fool in the position, and the buck should stop with him.

But I do have a suggestion. It might help out Brown, and New Orleans at the same time. Get MTV or VH1 to build a house in NO, have Mike play butler for a poor family whose life was destroyed, and make the whole thing a reality show. Now that would really be must see TV.

Whole story here:

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