Sunday, June 03, 2007

Blogging the Democratic Debate II

7:51: They all agree to get rid of don't ask don't tell--but would they follow through? Richardson getting his Rommey on.

7:53: Edwards is right--gay marriage is a religious issue, not federal.

7:54: Is it just me or is Wolf just rushing people?

7:55: Richardson is right, Bill Clinton is needed in Middle East peace process, and take GBush the I with him. Then start a road show.

7:57: By the way, the Bill Clinton question is funny. Think Hil will say that he should be used as bait for terrorists?

7:58: Gas Prices, will anyone have the guts to talk about a gas tax?

8:00: Who the hell is Mike Gravel? The guy who says he won't do anything to lower gas prices? Holy crap I like him. But who is he?

8:03: Biden and Richardson, only partly right, but you have to either let it rise or tax it, one way or the other.

8:04: CNN's music is insanely cheesy.

And we're on break!

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