Thursday, June 28, 2007

No Mike, Maybe You Need to "Get Real"

Amid warnings that the MTA is running at full or beyond capacity on many of their train lines, Mayor Mike tells NY to 'get real':

"Subway riders griping about crowded trains should "get real," Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday. Bloomberg said he takes the Lexington Ave. line most days and reports, "It's not crowded."

"So you have to stand up next to people," Bloomberg said during remarks at a Crain's New York Business breakfast in midtown. "Get real. This is New York."

"NYC Transit President Howard Roberts on Monday said that some lines are at or above capacity. At a news conference at City Hall, lawmakers said the mayor is out of touch with the crowding situation on the trains.

"He doesn't take it from Queens," said City Councilman David Weprin (D-Queens), referring to Bloomberg. "The F train on 179th St. is so overcrowded from Queens to Manhattan - it's ridiculous.""

Agreed. Rush hours is becoming insane in the city, rivaling the Tokyo. And adding more trains doesn't seem to be the solution. There might be a chance that putting more buses on the streets might eliminate the stress once the streets have been cleared of cars following the proposed car tax, but it's up in the air. Mike's being particularly bull headed here, but truly something does need to be done. NY has become incredibly overcrowded in the last couple of years and every avenue of downtown NY has become like the dance floor of Club Exit on a Saturday night, but attacking your critics doesn't make the problem go away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bloomie is a very arrogant man. I highly doubt he rides the subway that much. He's the mayor, I want him driven around so he can make calls and stuff. New Yorkers shouldn't want him wasting all that time on the subway.
We all have to wonder what Bloomberg is really thinking of with this congestion pricing tax scheme. Maybe he mostly just wants a new tax. Just wrap it up in ‘concern for the environment’, and then people can just demonize those who oppose it.

If he cares so much about traffic jams, congestion and air pollution, why does he let Park Avenue be blocked off? Why doesn’t he do anything about that?

It's true, Pershing Square Restaurant blocks Park Avenue going South at 42nd St. for about 12 hours a day/5 months of the year! This Causes Massive Congestion and Air Pollution!

But apparently it does not bother NYC’s Nanny-in-Chief Mike “Congestion Pricing Tax” Bloomberg?

It certainly supports his claim that the city is hugely congested.

Check out the map!

Check it out!


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