So what do you do if you're Sec of Defense and you're overseeing a war in which you're allies are killing everything in eye shot (pun not intended)? Well you scold them of course:
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - Making his third visit in four months to Iraq, Defense Secretary Robert Gates took a decidedly stronger tone as he warned the troubled nation’s leaders that American patience is wearing thin."
Real good Gates, strong leadership. But maybe next time, if you're going to go the scolding route, you might want to let Alec Baldwin speak for you:
"Once again [Iraq] you've made an ass out of me trying to get to the phone! You have insulted me for the last time! I don't give a damm if you're [invaded] or [war torn] or that [Saddam] was a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you [did]. You better be ready Friday the 20th to meet with me!"
Oh yeah, that's the juice right there.
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