Monday, April 16, 2007

Oh Joe...

...we've stepped in it again haven't we. Look, I happen to like Joe Klein. Really I do. Alot of liberals dislike Joey because it takes him a while to get his thoughts straight and when he makes snap judgements, well, they can be extra snappy.

Take his comment here for example:

"Michael Moore is a disgrace."

Follow the link:

"The production company of filmmaker Michael Moore has taken ill Ground Zero workers to Cuba to highlight the US's inferior health-care system.

"The stunt was filmed as part of the controversial director's latest documentary, Sicko, which attacks American drug companies and health organisations.

"Moore also wanted to highlight that health care in the communist country is free. Cuban doctors are also said to have developed new techniques for treating lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses."

Look, I'm not defending MM here. I happen to think his movies are illuminating, much like some of Klein's commentaries are illuminating. But personally these guys are probably like every other pundit around who thinks that they are illuminated in the divine light of wisdom. What I do have a problem with is Klein's language, a disgrace? MM is, a) getting Ground Zero workers help where their government has abandoned them, and b) outlining the problems in the American Health industry--problems that we all agree exist. Was it a political move? Sure, but a disgrace? No. Michael Moore may lack tack, but Ted Haggard, now that's a disgrace.

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