From MSNBC.com:
"BLACKSBURG, Va. - A gunman killed 32 people in two shooting incidents Monday at a college in Virginia in one of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history. The gunman also was killed, and at least 15 other people were injured.
The shootings, which rang out just four days before the eighth anniversary of the Columbine High School bloodbath near Littleton, Colo., spread panic and confusion at the college, where students and employees angrily asked why the first e-mail warning of the shootings did not go out to them until after the rampage was over."
This is a horrible tragedy, and our condolences go out to those wounded and killed in this rampage.
PS: By the way Klein, if you wanna talk about a disgrace you might want to look at how some other pundits such as Torture-First-Shoot-Second Reynolds and Oaths-Are-Sexy Malkin are spinning this horror into a case against gun control. Now that's something Charlton Heston can really sink his dentures into.
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