Well, that was the story as posted up by the increasingly irrelevant Media Matters Sunday (as related from Swampland) who must seethe so much at Matthews that even the most mundane breaches of decorum must be touted like he was running a dogfighting operation:
"On the August 10 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, during a discussion of recent financial news, host Chris Matthews told CNBC's Erin Burnett: "[Y]ou're beautiful" and "[y]ou're a knockout," before closing the interview by saying, "It's all right getting bad news from you.""
Um...Wtf? Like isn't Media Matters supposed to report on the truly big foul ups and offensive behavior? I suppose it's misogynistic to call a guest "beautiful" (unless it's John Edwards, who really is dreamy). Look, anyone who's watched Matthews knows he runs his show like it being broadcast from the restaurant above Cheers. So for him to flirt with a guest...well I guess I just figured we had bigger fish to fry.
And by the way Ana, it really is alright getting bad news from you--definitely better than Wolf Blitzer.

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