Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I'm Sure No One Will Care...

...that the new principal of NY's Arab-themed school is an orthodox Jew, who considered moving to Israel. You know, I'm really don't think any of the parents will complain.

In other news, David Duke becomes head of B'nai Brith.

Update: So someone pointed out to me (actually, I pointed out to myself) that one can take the above post to say that I'm comparing a) either the teacher to David Duke or b) Orthodox Jews to David Duke. That, I would hope, would obviously not be my attention, and of course there's no reason why an Orthodox Jew wouldn't be able to be a competent and loving teacher at any school. The joke here, or what I'm really pointing to, is that the off the cuff reaction to this, considering Arab / Jewish relations, would be that the appointment isn't very political and would be polarizing, just like David Duke's appointment wouldn't be political as well. Sorry to offend (myself), and hopefully someday I will apologize (to myself).

I need a therapist.

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