I've been studying for the GRE (both the general and literature exams) and my posts have dropped since I've begun the epic task of trying to read through every thing on the booklist. For the most part it's been pretty easy going but I've hit a road block with P&P. It's pretty telling that I've done just about everything under the sun to avoid this book (including writing this post) that inspires a hatred within me that I usually reserve for the Bush administration. I loath this book, and have to pause every paragraph just to contain my wrath. Perhaps all the critics got this one wrong, because the genius of Austen isn't her "biting satire and irony", it's creating a universe of characters that people of all generations can despise. If there was any cast of characters that belong in the next Hostel movie then this is it, because they truly deserve to be tortured the way they've tortured millions of students throughout the decades.
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