Friday, June 23, 2006

Playing with numbers...

There's a new Pew Research Center study out, which claims that support for Bin Laden is down while belief that Islam countries can become democratized is up. While I'd like to take this news with optimism two things keep me skeptical. One, we know from our polls in the US how notroriously wrong they can be (Kerry had the 2004 election on lock, so did Gore, etc), its all in the way the questions are phrased and I'm sure its not too hard to phrase a question as not to garner support for Bin Laden, since, after all, he's spending his resources fighting a war, while Bush and co, spend theirs committed to market research and propaganda. Bin Laden doesn't have a Rove, only a crappy video editor. Two, much like the United States, how many people, when approached by a pollster would actually claim to support Bin Laden?

Telephone operator: Hi. I'm conducting a poll.

Jordanian: That's great. Usually I would hang up on you, but you caught me between reading the Koran and eating hummus so I have some time.

Operator: Great. First question. Do you a) support Bin Laden. b) Hate Bin Laden c) Hate Bin Laden, and don't want us to trace this call, or d) Love Democracy, Love George Bush, Love Rambo, Hate Bin Laden and don't want a 500 pound bomb dropped on you and your love ones?

Jordanian: Um...gee tough question...I guess I'll take d.

Operator: Are you sure?

Jordanian: Um...yeah.

Operator: Great. And would you also like to switch your phone company?


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