Friday, April 14, 2006

How NOT to get off...

Yesterday Moussaoui took the stand in his own defense...except he forgot that he's supposed to try not to die. He mocked a Navy sailor who lost two of her mates on 9/11, admitted that he enjoyed hearing about the suffering of 9/11 families, and wished that attacks could occur every day.

Now isn't this just the guy you'd like to hang out with?

"Hey Joe wanna you want to do today?"
"I don't know, hang out by the beach? Hit the arcade? What about you Moussaoui?"
"I'd like to see some more of that 9/11 action!"
"...What the f...!!!"

Anyway, let's face it, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to realize that this guy isn't too keen on living. In fact he's got a nice hard on for martyrdom. Now isn't it nice when America can make a person's dreams come true?

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