Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Terrorists Top Target: November Elections

“The goal of the next attack is twofold: to damage the U.S. economy and to undermine the U.S. election,”

This is a quote from a unnamed US intelligence official (And what the hell does that mean? That he has intelligence, or that he works for a intelligence agency? And if they do work for an agency, then what the hell is their position? I'd hate to think a janitor is leaking information, after all I think Scooter Libby and Robert Novak have the monopoly on that.) to the Washington Post. This is just another example of the preparation that the Bush cadre is making just in case, as it was in 2000, the race between him and his opponent is too close to call, or to steal.

I will give Bush credit where credit is due though, when it comes to rigging an election he, and his team, show Machiavellian brilliance. First was the "three point, follow the Katherine Harris ploy," and now we are being shown the foundations for the "The terrorists hate our country so much that they want Kerry to win." scenario. It is the best game of poker I've ever seen because he can show us his cards, then show us how he'd dealt off the bottom, and meanwhile all the public does is look on in disbelief. After all, could the government be THAT shady?

This is the latest of "The terrorist hate..."plan, or Plan Beta as I like to call it. Look at this opening paragraph from an article from posted on July 12, 2004:

"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. officials have discussed the idea of postponing Election Day in the event of a terrorist attack on or about that day, a Homeland Security Department spokesman said Sunday."

"On or about?" so when is "about?" a day before? Two days before? And what type of attack would it have to be? An attack on a voting booth, or an attack against Wall Street? You may think I'm being petty, but I would like to know what the exact criteria would be to shut down Democracy.

After 9/11, Bush told us not to change our way of life. He told us the terrorists could not stop the "workforce" of America. He told us it would be important for the country to run as normal, and that the best thing we could do to fight the terrorists was to go shopping, and keep the American economic machine running. But now, these Homeland Security Dept. guys and "US intelligence officials," all of whom answer to Bush, tell us that just the threat of terrorism "on or about that day" is enough to shut down the MOST important event in America. The act of voting establishes, displays, and proves, not only to us, but to the rest of the world, that we in fact (when its not stolen from us) are the controlling power in this country, and not the corporations, or the media. It proves that America is truly a country of the people, for the people.

If what the right-wing says is true, and perhaps in some way it might be, then the terrorists that wish to hurt us are fearful, angry and jealous of our way of life, and this way of life isn't your ablilty to go to Old Navy and buy a pair of cheap cargo shorts. There is nothing more American then the ability to vote for your leaders. It is one of the fundamenal reasons for many of the strongest movements in this country, and the blood of all races, and creeds and genders has been shed in its name.

Let us all maintain our focus on what are the real important issues and rights in America. To close a mall would be an inconvenience. To shut down Wall Street might cost the public a couple of dollars out of our pockets (Much like the billions we have to pay for the Enron/ Worldcom/ S&L scandals of the past) but to close down elections sacrifices the soul and spirit of America.

President Bush--if after 9/11 the American public was brave enough to drive our SUVs to the malls to buy a Playstation, then we are brave enough to make our way to the voting booths across the country to get you out of office.

Don't sell us short.

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