Thursday, August 12, 2004

Going away...

Well my friends, I'll be on vacation far, far away for about nine days, so I'll be away from the desk of Word of the People. I have to tell you, I realized that I was ready for this time out yesterday when I started going over the economic plans for Kerry and Bush and nearly went into a Wolverine berserker rampage. Feel free to check them out for yourself at and, if you have the time and the energy.

Not saying that you shouldn't, just be prepared to, in Bush's case, wade through alot of denial and BS, and in Kerry's case, be prepared for tons of numbers and a extremely detailed plan. To give you an example, Bush's economic plan was about 5 pages long--Kerry's was about 30 pages. Bush's seems to be more reader friendly, but he doesn't seem to say much. He darts around issues, while Kerry rips them to shreds with an intellectual Uzi. They're conflicting methods, but I'd rather take the one that treats me intelligently than the one that speaks to me like a hermit child, who hasn't picked up a newspaper in 4 years. Check out their sites and see what you think.
Well that's it for me. Have fun!

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