Monday, October 02, 2006

Pretty dammed disgusting...

...The whole Mark Foley incident. I don't think you have to be a bleeding heart anything not to feel icky and sick at the mere mention of this story. Needless to say I was wondering what kinda damage control the right would come up with. Sure enough, Ann Althouse had the guts to defend the RNC with the same vigor they had shown in ignoring the fact that they had a serial pedophile in their midst. Money quote:

"So it seems in the run-up to the election we won't have to talk about Iraq and terrorism and detainees anymore. Let's talk about sex."

WHOOO! Sure was lucky for those Dems that this happened, cause they wouldn't have had a leg to stand on come November. I mean with Woodward's book, and the NIH report, and the death toll in Iraq, and all that torture...they really needed one more scandal. Do you think Foley was a closet Democrat Ann? And maybe he set it all up to ensure a victory? Or do you think that you're more delusional than a Crackhead on PCP? Yeah maybe that's it.

I am so moving to Iceland.

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