Friday, September 10, 2004

I don't care...

This is a rarity so listen up.

A while back, when all this debate began over Kerry and Bush's war records began I wrote a post titled: Slavemaster Obama and Cowardly Kerry. In that post I jumped into the discussion supporting Kerry's war record, and downplaying Bushes. I did so with the belief that this would be a topic that would die out. It didn't. Instead it has snowballed to a topic which has taken all important topics (Health Care, the economy, the war) off the table. Now I regret even adressing this topic, since I feel like I have only added to this snowball effect. I would just like to say that we, as a people, regardless of party affiliation, must demand for our media to focus on the most topical things in this election, and disregard the extraneous petty bickerings of flustered men. And I'm not talking as much about the candidates themselves as I am these 527 organizations that draw more attention to themselves then to the people they seem to support.

I came to this realization after looking at the blog: Http:// He really exposes much of the falsehood that has erupted from this discussion, and showing me that it now tetters on becoming one of those issues that will be lost in the obscurity of endless footnotes. Honestly, we have enough of that to delve through when it comes to the endless, diverging, and contradicting numbers and opinions on the economy to deal with. One must ask themselves, with one brain, and a limited amount of time, what is important here? I say that in regards to the specifics this military service record business, I don't care, and I don't think you should either.

Getting back to this problem of "endless footnotes" though. I encourage all of you to see these issues dogmatically, just as I believe that one of the main problems in Kerry's campaign is that they don't present their side dogmatically or clearly, not to mention intensely. You want safety from terrorism--then Bin Laden needs to be captured, and Bush has not done that. You want universal health insurance, then I, Kerry, will give it to you. If you want safer borders and a larger budget for homeland security, then I, Kerry, will give you more than our opponent. And when asked to look at figures, send them to the website. I cannot stress to you enough that everyone should look on and to find the specifics of their programs. But its up to them, in fact its their job as political leaders, to make the foundations of their programs clear to the public. And God help me, while I disagree with Bush's war, war, war, tax-cuts, anti-gay marriage platform, at least I, and I believe most Americans, know what it is.

It's Kerry's job to hammer his message home, and it's the media's job to keep both of them on the right path.


total said...

Thankks for the comments on mypace. I think youe blog is very good also.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lucy, you got some splainin' to do!

If I read you correctly, vote for JOhn Kerry because he is gonna catch Osama??

Facts are facts as much as Kerry would like to believe that Iraq was no safe haven for terrorists, its not true. Look at all the, (let me get a little NY Timesish on you, "insurgents" that have been caught in Iraq that were there well before the war. Case in point, Zarwahiri(sp?), the murdering pig that he is, was in Iraq before we went in, got medical treatment many months before and was allowed not only to recuperate his henchmen were using Iraq as a staging and financial base for future terrorist attacks. And JFKerry's buddy Saddam refused to hand him over.
But if we were to believe history as John Kerry likes to rewrite it Iraq qas an idyllic place where they sang campfire songs and lived in harmony.
How about a little truth?? (Maybe CBS and the NYTimes could try this as an expose, or try truth once) Thousands of people starved to death under the grand fleecing of Iraq (with help from the French(..."cheese eating surrender monkeys!"-S.Willy)) Oil for Food program that the UN (another fucking laughing stock of justice)had set up. They got fat while innocent people died.
Anyhow, I personally believe McCain -Fiengold violates the first ammendment and I think these 527's are a bit out of hand, but it just reminds me of a point I used to make to my brothers back in college who were quick to pass laws all the time. What you do know has c-o-n-c-quences in the future.
I realize I am all over the place here but I guess that is what blogging is about.
I'll get to your National Healthcare topic in another rant.
I agree with your point about campaigns no longer being about the real issues, it sickens me that the fact that Kerry fake baked makes the paper or who has the hottest daughters is given more press than the fact that there was some serious voter fraud in Venezuela. (F! Jimmy Carter I say!)

BTW I know you know who this is. W by at least 8 electoral votes!

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