Today, in two separate engagements, President Bush, and Vice-President Cheney, harshly criticized the New York Times for publishing reports leaking the government's secret program to monitor suspected terror suspects' bank accounts, calling them 'disgraceful.'
That's right guys, leaking reports about Constitutional crimes is 'disgraceful,' but leaking the name of a undercover CIA agent is 'politics.'
“For people to leak that program and for a newspaper to publish it does great harm to the United States of America,” Bush said, jabbing his finger for emphasis. (See picture) He said the disclosure of the program “makes it harder to win this war on terror.”
Basically, not doing everything you say, and following the laws of the land, makes it harder to win the war on terror. Right, gotcha.
This is sheer hypocrisy. Since 2000, when Bush and co. were placed in office, there seems to have been a secret war to destroy and hinder the freedom of the press, and why? Because it's hard to break laws, and commit acts of fraud, perjury, war, and torture when someone is looking over your shoulder. If it weren't for the press Valerie Plame would have never come out, nor the abuses of the NSA wiretapping scandal, nor the immortality of our secret interrogation chambers, or the lies about why were went to war, or fill-in-the-friggin-blank of everything unamerican the adminstration has committed in the supposed goal of saving America from the "terrorists." You know those guys that want to do us harm because they "hate our freedoms." Oh wait! I'm starting to get it now--you destroy the terrorists, by destroying our freedoms...and thus they have no reason to hate us anymore. Right, makes perfect logical sense. Welcome to Bushworld.
Of course, in the long run both the NYT story and Bush's criticism of that story, is meaningless. All the story does is frustrate Americans who are now so swept up in whirlwind of offenses that another is like tossing a ice cube on a glacier, and the criticism only continues to distract us from the war in Iraq. Furthermore, does looking at a bank account help us find terrorists? Let's see, how well did that go with organized crime? How many of you think that Bin Laden has a corporate account with Chase labeled "Al-Qaida?" The money that terrorists use are so laundered that when it gets handed to the Russians for Kalashnikovs it smells like Tide. The terrorists (who aren't stupid by the way, just because we treat them like morons don't make it so) know they're being monitored, and are taking steps to hide their tracks. That's why they're the terrorists, and the Bush administration are Republicans.
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