Monday, February 13, 2006

I've been liberated!!!! Now I know what Iraqis feel like!

So I happened today upon an interesting article in New York magazine regarding the blogging universe. Basically it says that because of something called "the power-law distribution" my blog will never be popular. This is much like when I was in High School and my clothes told me that as well. The power-law distribution says that the way a blog becomes successful is when people link your blog to theirs, thus whoever gets linked more gets the most success. As you would expect this gives preferance to blogs that have been around the longest. Now since I began I took a year off to write my novel, and now that I'm back in the game it seems nearly hopeless that I'll attain any serious readership for Wordofthepeople. But far from being disheartened, I actually feel quite liberated. According to Chuck Palahniuk, it is only when you lose everything that you're in a position to gain anything, and so I should be ready to make quite an explosion in cyberspace...or I'm ready to die. Either way leaves me pretty satisfied I suppose, and you won't get an argument one way or another.

Either way I have reason for celebration and, since no one is going to read this anyway, I can write pretty much whatever I feel like. Now I'm not going to make this blog a pessimistic rant, but, unlike the major Western media I can at least publish anti-Islamic cartoons if I so wish. Though I really don't. This whole Islamictoon thing has become cliche and rather gets on my nerves. Instead I think I'd rather put up a picture of Michelle Malkin:

Ah, that's better. In picture form Michelle is great (and notice the American flag behind her--that means she's a patriot!), but when she opens her mouth she's only a slightly bit less offensive than Ann Coulter. She's one of those neo-conservative Republican's that has one toe in Reganism but the rest in the cult of George W. Bush that's pretty much sold out every tenet of traditional conservatism to Halliburton and tax breaks. She's been spending her time inflating this whole Islamictoon thing--and to think, she could have been posting up my picture instead! Well I guess that's what happens when you become successful, and a mouth piece for Bush and Cheney.

But maybe I'm being unduly rough on the pundit. After all it seems that we're all mouth pieces for some piece of agenda or another. Daily Kos is looking like the home page for the Democrat Party, and Ann Coulter is looking like the spokeswoman for the KKK, and through it all Andrew Sullivan earns his best, and most rational points when he talks about gay issues. Although I do feel bad for him losing his conservative rep when he came out of the closet. No not that closet silly! The Bush closet he stepped out of when he realized that the whole GOP had become a cult and Bush was handing out the Kool-Aid. How people can so blindly follow this man makes me instantly prick up my ears when anyone comes to his defense, and while I'm not going to compare him to other dictators I do so for the same reason that I'm not posting banners to tell everyone to buy Danish...because I can't work out the HTML. No, no, I'm not doing it because it has become cliche. Everything on the political blogsphere has become a dammed cliche. Someone writes an article, and the rest of us copy, paste, and write a couple of blurbs about what we "think" of the issue, and its called reporting. Meanwhile thousands suffer around the world and we congratulate ourselves on the witty joke we made about Dick Cheney shooting his boy while they were literally shooting quail in a can.

What a revolting state we are in folks when this is mistaken for real debate.

Someone told me that the concept of selling out died in the 90s with Public Enemy and Professor X (not the X-man but the Afro-centric rapper). He said that its all about selling stacks. Well if that's the case then maybe having a hopeless blog is a blessing in disguise. Maybe my lack of financial success will ultimately lead me to spiritual happiness since I will be without the need to sell out my mind on the altar of money and partisanship. Yeah that sounds cool. I'll keep it so real, and so underground that my street credibility will be unbreakable. After all the trendiest things are those which were never trendy in the first place.

Sigh... now I'm quoting Bushisms; a true sign that I'm losing my mind. If this is liberation, take me back to the plantation. At least there we knew who was kicking our ass. Now we do it to ourselves.

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